Home Sports Daily Horoscope for January 21, 2025 – New York Daily News

Daily Horoscope for January 21, 2025 – New York Daily News

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General Daily Insight for January 21, 2025

Past insecurities may be triggered by present comments. Pointed Mercury jabs sore healer Chiron, leading to words that can hurt rather than heal, so we must be mindful how words affect everyone. The confident Sun then joins transformational Pluto at 7:29 am EST, inviting personal transformation where we’re not quite sure of who we are. Finally, the Moon slides into investigative Scorpio, which can bring up feelings of jealousy or obsession, but simultaneously heightens our intuition. Out with the old, in with the new!


March 21 – April 19

What you say can currently reach a wider audience than you were expecting. It’s all too easy to say everything that you’re thinking in its rawest form when you think only one person will hear it. Watch out! Someone in your company might be actively spreading your business to others without your knowledge or accidentally letting things slip. Alternatively, you may post something on social media and not realize how many eyes are on it. Since watching eyes may be on you, act accordingly!


April 20 – May 20

Remembering past conversations could leave you confused. When you don’t get real closure after parting ways with someone that you were once close with, you can’t be sure how they feel about you. This might be extra stressful at present, as the universe may be setting up a chance for reconnection between the two of you. The best way to approach them would be with a genuine heart and no ulterior motives. Chances are, they’ll meet you with the same honest intentions.


May 21 – June 20

A group of people may not give you the feedback that you were hoping for. You could be about to present something, perhaps ideas that you’ve already built or plans for the future, and expect support from friends or coworkers. Be aware that they might not see your vision, and trying to explain it further could confuse them even more. Sometimes, seeing is believing, and they’ll be on board once the polished product arrives. Consider keeping things under wraps until everything is said and done.


June 21 – July 22

Trying to encourage others could have the opposite reaction. Regardless of your good intentions about offering support or guidance to a friend or family member going through something difficult, your ideas may not be what they want to hear. Perhaps they ultimately just want to have a shoulder to cry on or a chance to express themselves. If they aren’t actively asking for advice, think twice about giving any. Just be there — sometimes that’s the most positive impact you can have.


July 23 – August 22

Someone may be trying to get you to open up for the wrong reasons. You’ve been given cosmic strength to keep up a consistent routine or build more positive health habits, which could invoke jealousy from those who don’t appreciate you. If someone seems earnestly curious about your process, you’ll probably reply with equal honesty. Unfortunately, they may use this information against you by trying to poke holes in what makes you happy or motivates you. Don’t let peer pressure knock you off balance!


August 23 – September 22

What’s done in the dark will, sooner or later, come to light. Be wary of the temptation to take unnecessary risks on questionable ideas, hoping that no one will realize what’s going on. There’s almost no chance of getting away with anything at this time. You might see others doing the same, trying to stay hush-hush regarding shady behavior and being caught for it — you could even be the one catching them! Keep your actions aboveboard, or you won’t like the consequences.


September 23 – October 22

You’re able to make up your mind. You might feel trapped between two mindsets — one traditional, one adventurous. Feeling torn is understandable, but you will need to move forward with a decision eventually. Staying stagnant will only leave you wishing that you had taken action, even if you’re not sure which option is calling you at present. Make space in your life for stillness so that you’re able to hear that inner call. After you hear it, don’t hesitate to get started.


October 23 – November 21

Your daily routine might not be aligning with your ambitions. You might be telling others about your plans for the future, but when they ask you how you plan to achieve these goals, you might realize that the methods you’ve been utilizing aren’t adding up to the outcomes you’re seeking. Having faith that you will receive the life you’re dreaming of is one thing, but taking the steps to get there is another. Remember, how you live your days is how you live your life.


November 22 – December 21

Words said in the heat of the moment can aggravate insecurities. You may be in a discussion or even an argument that goes too far, wherein you or your conversation partner could cross the line and offend the other party. Either way, the wound was likely unintentional. Still, make an effort to be aware of what can take you there, then take steps to avoid it. A grounded, meaningful conversation will be more effective in making your point. Don’t let things go too far.


December 22 – January 19

Who you were raised to become might not be who you are. You may have been following a scripted route to your future, one that made sense in the past. As you mature, though, you’re realizing that this might not be what you really want. Someone close to you, like a parent or another authority figure, could have led you to believe that there was only one path to success — but now you’re finding others. Follow the one that calls your heart.


January 20 – February 18

Miscommunication is a real danger at the moment! You may have forgotten to respond to a text or said something without realizing how the other person took it, and now don’t understand where the tension is coming from with this connection. The issue could be all but invisible to you until it’s thrown in your face — this can be disorienting when you’re not even sure what you did. Stay calm and try to talk things through. This can be resolved.


February 19 – March 20

Your security in yourself could make others uneasy. As you enjoy your healthy, confident vibes, someone might accuse you of trying to make others feel insecure or alienated, just by being yourself. While it’s possible that there may be a reason that they feel this way, if your intentions were pure and you were coming from a place of authenticity, you being yourself shouldn’t set off so much insecurity within them. It might be best to chalk it up to a them problem.

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