Home Real Estate How I Turned $9,000 into My Dream Home By “Level-Up” Investing

How I Turned $9,000 into My Dream Home By “Level-Up” Investing

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Can you afford your “dream house” right now? The one with the pool and the ocean views, space for the kids to run around, and a huge pantry. The secret nobody will tell you: you CAN afford your dream house right now—or at least you can afford the investment that will get you there. Just ask James Dainard, who took a $175,000 hoarder condo and turned it into what would eventually become his $8,500,000 dream house. You can do the same using his level-up strategy.

James only started with $9,000, which turned into multiple millions over the next fifteen years. He would buy a house, fix it, and trade it up for a better one, repeating this strategy five times until he reached the goal: a 9,000-square-foot luxury home in one of the priciest markets in America, Scottsdale, Arizona.

He made millions of dollars completely tax-free because of this live-in flip strategy that ANYONE can use to massively multiply their wealth and take them to their dream home. And maybe you don’t want an $8,500,000 mansion—that’s fine! It only took James three house flips to get into “dream home territory,” and you can do the same!

From a 1000 square foot condo to a 9,000 square foot luxury home in just five steps. Today we’re talking about how to add value to your house so you can trade up into the home your family dreams about without having to spend your savings. Hi friends. Dave Meyer here for another episode of the BiggerPockets podcast where we teach you how to achieve financial freedom through real estate. I’ve got James Dainard on the show with me here today, and if you’ve heard James on the show before, you know he’s all about value. Add renovating homes to increase their price and sell them at a profit. But James hasn’t only added value on the thousands of homes. He’s flipped as investment properties during his investing career. He’s also done it on the homes he’s owned and lived in. And you probably hear me say this all the time on the show, but your primary home is an investment and if you agree with me on that, then don’t you want to make it the best investment possible?
That’s what James has done and it’s allowed him to make money each time he’s sold his primary home, sometimes making over a million dollars on a single transaction, and he’s used that money to level up from that 1000 square foot condo I mentioned into an amazing 9,000 square foot home he lives in right now. It only took him 15 years, and if you want to check it out, you should go look at his Instagram. It’s pretty crazy. But I wanted to have James on the show because let’s be honest, you don’t need to be a professional home flipper. You don’t need to have a 9,000 square foot home or even an ambition to have that kind of home. You could do this at pretty much any level today. He’s going to tell us how to buy your primary home like an investor. That’s the most important thing. You need to think about the most efficient ways to add value while you’re living in it, and how to leverage the incredible tax benefits live in flips can create. Let’s bring on James. James, welcome back to the show.

Always like being here, and this is actually one of my favorite things to talk about.

I love this topic. You put out such a cool social media post about this and I was eager to just have you on to explain it. You’ve been on the show a million times, of course, but maybe for people who don’t know you, just give us a little bit of background about your history as an investor.

So I’ve been a full-time real estate investor since 2005. We’ve now been involved in over 4,000 real estate flip transactions.

It’s unbelievable.

And typically we’re running 20, 30 flips at a time. We’re building homes. Anything that we can get a deal on and we can create value on, we are all over. So from apartments to flips to development,

You’re obviously truly one of the best flippers in the entire world and we’re excited to have you on to tell us a little bit about how you’ve done that with your primary residents. But I also wanted to give you a shout out, man, if it’s cool that we talk about it, that you are being recognized and now have a flipping TV show on a E, right? Tell us about it.

Yeah, it out March 1st on a and e. It’s million dollar zombie flips where me and my team, we are out there looking for the worst of the worst and creating luxury million dollar houses. And the cool thing is we featured a lot of brand new investors that would pitch us their deals and whether they could execute or not, we either will buy it off ’em or we’ll fund them on their entire project and help ’em through that process to create a million dollar home.

Oh, cool. Awesome. What a great concept. And if you haven’t met James or know his team, they’re also awesome. So this is going to be a very fun project, a great group of people. Super excited to check it out, James. So where can people watch it? They can

Watch it March 1st, 10:00 AM on a and e million dollar zombie flips. Check it out. We have a great time. We’re real flippers so you can see the real action

Everyone. Make sure to check that out on a and e million dollar zombie flip. All right, well let’s talk about it because what we’re talking about here today is flipping, but sort of your primary residence. So tell us about how you’ve used your primary residence to build wealth over the course of your career.

The primary residence is one of the best ways that you can excel in life because you get a tax benefit if you buy a property and you create equity or you gain equity to where if you’re married after two years, you can sell your house and take the first $500,000 in equity gain, tax free. And if you’re single, you can make $250,000 tax free. And as a flipper, we are very taxed. I typically am paying 40% on my income on everything that I make. And so to be able to make 250,000, two $500,000 tax free, it’s a huge benefit because it allows you to trade up with the extra money that you’re making. And so we’ve now done this. We are on our sixth house and I’ll say the house that we bought I never thought I’d be living in. And it’s all because of the live and flip process.

You said something that your primary residence could be one of the best investments that you make, but there are a lot of very famous, very prominent real estate investors and real estate investor educators who say the opposite, right? You hear Grant Cardone saying that your house is not an investment. I know Robert Kiyosaki has said that your house is a liability. It sounds like you disagree. Can you explain why the tax is one thing? But it just seems like there’s sort of a philosophical difference.

A hundred percent disagree with them, and I know they’re smart people, but they’re wrong. And the math will tell you that it’s wrong. So for example, their whole premise is that you can rent a lot cheaper than own and then take that money and invest it elsewhere. So let’s say on a house, I could buy a house with my process, which is to buy it, fix it up, and create equity, and then sell it in two tax free. If I’m selling a property and I’m making $500,000 tax free, that means I’m saving close to $180,000 in taxes on that house.

It’s unbelievable.

The reason they’re wrong is because if I pay five grand a month for that house as a mortgage, which is a liability, and I could rent it 2,500, well that’s going to cost me about 27, 20 $8,000 a year. That’s $56,000 after two years, but I’m making $180,000 tax free. So they’re just wrong on this. If you’re going out and buying turnkey, they have a little bit of an argument there like, Hey, can you invest it still? Invest in assets, have a lower liability that makes sense, but if you can create that equity, they are wrong and I will prove it to ’em over and over again.

Yeah, I agree. I think that it’s a spectrum, right? They’re probably correct if you’re going out and stretching and buying the dream house, turnkey, buying new construction and moving in and those kinds of things. It is a trade off. It’s a choice. You can make your primary residence a good investment if you want to prioritize that. Some people don’t. Some people just want to buy their dream house. But if you’re listening to this podcast, I’m guessing you want to turn a profit on every real estate transaction that you do, and I a hundred percent agree with James, whether you’re house hacking or doing a live and flip, you can absolutely make your primary residence a good investment. And we’ve talked a ton on the show about house hacking, so I’m eager to hear from you just sort of the nuts and bolts and logistics of how you’ve done the live and flip model six different times now to build wealth. Can we just start at the first deal and you tell us where were you at that point in your life and what did you buy?

Okay, so the first house that started the whole process, I was actually single then too. I wasn’t married, so I didn’t have up to 500,000. I could, I bought the property in 2006. I was 23 years old. I was working in real estate, and the issue I was having is I didn’t qualify for big mortgage. I couldn’t buy a lot of expensive things because of my income and what I was making. And so what I ended up buying was a condo in Bellevue, Washington, which was a hoarder condo, and it was packed. It was nasty, it needed a ton of work, but I was able to buy this property from a seller because he was moving his wife out of there. They were going to sell it, and we paid 175,000 for this condo.

Pretty good for Bellevue. Thinking about it now,

I wish I maybe would’ve kept it, but it had a purpose to get me into my next house. So we were paying 1 75, we had to put about 50,000 into the renovation with new cabinets, flooring, doors, trim, adding a bathroom, and then it was worth about 3 25 to three 50. This is a long time ago. It’s almost 20 years

Ago. Yeah, but still. So you’re looking at a hundred, 125 grand spread there.

So by the time I was done renovating, I had created the $125,000 spread.

And were you actually living in it or were you, you bought it as a primary, you’re renting or something and renovating it on the side, and then you moved in.

I was living in someone else’s house hack at the time, renting a room from someone that had bought at my business partner Will. And so once I was renovated, I moved in. And how I could afford it was a house hack too, because I rented out a room for 750 bucks a month. It covered half my mortgage, and I was doing pretty well because I’d made over $125,000 in equity and I was paying the same as what I was paying for that room down the road. So it made a big first impact, but then with the market appreciation, it created more equity.

I guess just philosophically at that point in your life, maybe this is one of the benefits of starting at 23, but you weren’t trying to buy your dream house. You saw this as an investment, right?

Yes. I wanted to own my own property, and so I had to work with what I had to afford, but even back then I was like, I want to live on the water one day randomly. I live in the desert now, but that was my goal. I was like, I want to get to a waterfront house, but there was no way I was ever going to be able to afford that. And so that was my goal, was to buy this as my starting point, save money on my rent, and then really start moving down the road.

Well, that’s awesome. I mean, I think that’s such an important thing here because having that sort of long-term dream and plan makes it kind of fun. You see it as a stepping stone and an option of trading out and constantly moving up. And I know people don’t want to move that much, but when you have this long-term mentality, you have a choice. You could look at a property on the water and be like, I’m never going to be able to afford that. Or just kind of dream like, oh, one day I’ll get there. Or you can sort of back into how many times you need to do this live and flip concept to get there. That’s super cool. So did you live in it for exactly two years or how long did you stay?

That one I lived in about two and a half years, and I ended up selling it for $450,000.

Oh, damn. That is awesome. I mean, you more than doubled your equity there, huh?

Yes. We more than doubled the equity and then that’s where the spark went off. I was like, okay, wow, I got to use this now.

I bet the spark went off. You made 200 grand on your first live flip. It’s a pretty good deal

Now. Kind of what happened from there, I had saved the money. It was tax free, and that was really also what got me through 2008 because then 2008 happened


Everything started getting wiped out, including me. By 2007, we were actually making money. I had this money I could trade into a new house. I was looking for my next house, but then the wheels came off and we definitely were not making money for 12 to 18 months, and that became the next problem. It was hard to get a loan and it was hard to make any kind of money in real estate from 2008 to 2009. The only thing that saved me was that equity that I’d made because it allowed me to look for that next property. And the key to this is every time you do it, there’s a little bit of sacrifice involved because you have to find the property that can create you equity, not your dream house. Because what I did know is after selling that condo, I still couldn’t afford my dream house.

So you mentioned something that’s really important here, James, because I think when a lot of people think about flipping or buying and selling property, it was like, oh, I’ll just do a 10 31 exchange. But you mentioned one of the benefits here of Live and Flip that really isn’t available in other parts of real estate, which is that you were able to sell that, get that money tax free, and then sit on it. You didn’t have to reinvest it right away, which is how a 10 31 exchange works. You have to close within 180 days and you have to identify the properties much quicker than that. And so the live and flip, at least that I know, is really the only way that you can get that tax-free equity boost and then have the luxury of deciding when and where you want to invest it. And this is a perfect example. The market changed. James wasn’t ready to reinvest into another primary residence. So what’d you, did you rent for a little while and then buy a new house a couple of years later when you’re in a better financial position?

Yeah. I ended up moving into rental, and I’ve done that twice throughout this 20 years where I sold the property, I didn’t have what I wanted to trade up into, and I just moved into a rental. I sat on it until I found the next property that I could buy. And so it kind of timed out well because I was able to kind of make it through the hard times, but then have that money sitting there. The negative thing is I kind of got wiped out. The market was tough, couldn’t make money, but then properties were a lot cheaper and it was allowing me to then reinvest into something else. So I rented, and then I was on the hunt for my next property, and the next property I found was probably the ugliest home I’ve ever bought.

We do have to take a quick break, but first wanted to say that this segment is brought to you by simply the All-in-one CRM built for real estate investors. Automate your marketing, skip Trace for free, send direct mail and connect with your leads all in one place. Head over to reim.com/biggerpockets now to start your free trial and get 50% off your first month. Stay with us, we’ll be right back. We are back on the BiggerPockets podcast with James Dayner talking about how he has live and flipped his way to his dream house. We talked about his first deal before the break and before we left, James hinted that the second house was the ugliest house he ever bought. Please tell us about this.

As your life changes, your lifestyle changes, and I had just gotten engaged with my now wife and we were looking at settling down, having some kids, so I had to find a much bigger property. Now the problem was I didn’t have the money to go buy a bigger property, couldn’t afford that monthly payment. I had some cash on the sidelines because that first condo I had to put maybe $8,000 down. I grew it into over $200,000 that I now had to reinvest tax free. But for what we were trying to do, that was going to take up all my money and I wasn’t going to still be able to afford that payment. So then I targeted the cheapest, ugliest thing I could find, and it was a bank owned property, and it literally looked like someone glued three shoe boxes together.

Wait, what does one house or a trip flags?

It was a house, but someone had taken this kind of 1950s row house, then they added a section, they converted the garage, added a weird garage thing off the back. I remember taking my wife there, I’m like, I found a house that could work for us. It’s in the right location, it’s the right size and has a big yard. Had to have acre lot. And I took her there and she’s like, are you kidding me? This is where you want to grow a family. And so I kind of talked to her about the month of payment, what we had to do, and it was either we had to live way further away or if we wanted to be where we were going to be, this is really all we could afford with that down payment. And so we ended up purchasing that property, using that money that we made tax free as our down payment, and we were able to get a construction loan on the property to where we could then take this property that we paid $235,000 for. This was something on market anybody could have bought. It was for sale for six months. That’s how ugly it was. We put about 200 grand into the property and then after the market kind of rebounded, we sold it for a million dollars and made $500,000 tax free.

Oh my God. Okay, so let’s just go through those numbers again. So you bought it for 2 35, you said

2 35.

And did you put 20% down? Do you

Remember? No, I had to put more down back then because the market was still risky, and so I had to put 25% down. It was the purchase price plus fix up, so it was around a $500,000 loan. So I put down 1 25, but then I had to have money to be able to hold the property as we were repairing it. And so I barely had enough to pull this off, and that’s why I was really trying to get this one done, and it took some convincing of my wife, but it was all because I dead done that first live and flip.

You had enough money, right? You said you cleared like 200 grand on that first one?

Yes. I barely had enough money. I had to get it renovated a certain amount of time or I would’ve been burning. I had to rent during that time too. We couldn’t move in.

Oh yeah. So you’re double expenses.

Double expenses. I have a funny story about that when I made the next trade, because I couldn’t afford both, so I went into my mom’s basement, but it made a huge difference having that capital because over two years we went from making two 50 on the first one to the second one, we made $500,000 tax free when we sold it.

So your wife was probably pretty happy after that, I would imagine, despite living in the ugly house.

You know what? But we made it beautiful. I definitely learned a lot about construction from that house alone, and it became a million dollar property. And at that point in my life, I never thought I’d own anything that was worth a million bucks. Not when I bought that condo. I bought that condo and you’re thinking a million dollars. You got to be rich to buy that. And what I realized is you don’t have to be rich, you just have to put the puzzle together

So well, I want to hear about the rest of these deals, but I just want to ask for normal people who haven’t done 4,000 flips is the scope of what you did in these projects, things that regular or newer investors could pull off?

I had never flipped a property ever when I bought that condo, and that’s why I started with something a little simpler, but it was still gross, but it was manageable. You have to do what you have to do on that property. I remember I was painting some walls. I was helping take the garbage out when I bought it. You do what you need to do to get into that first property. The second one, I had only flipped maybe 60 houses before this and never have wanted this size. So it was about finding the right contractor, and it took me a long time. I had to meet 10 different contractors. I found the guy, and we had to be thrifty though to get it done for that price too. I was out looking at every clearance shop, whatever I could get a deal on. So you have to scrap your way into the equity position, but it is doable.

Absolutely. I love how you say just 60 flips. That would be a career for most people, but for you, 60 flips is modest,

But a lot of those flips were very easy back then too. I had never done one like this, that second one, this is what I can afford, I can swing and I got to figure it out. It was definitely a tough challenging project.

So I imagine you made 500 grand off this. You’re probably thinking, I just got married now. Is it time to buy a dream house or what’d you do after this?

And this is where I did get into a dream house scenario.


You deserve it. My wife actually was like, I really want this property. I’m like, honestly, I didn’t really want to sell that house because I’m like, we have all this equity, my mortgage payment on that house. It was $1,800 a month. Unbelievable. I’m like, we could just stay here forever. We’re fine.
But what we were able to do with that 500 grand is then we ended up buying our house in bridal trails where we paid $890,000 for a 5,000 square foot house that was completely dated and had been overrun. There was kind of two things you could do on that property. You could do more cosmetic, but then you weren’t going to create that 500,000 or you could go full mill deal on the thing. And so we paid 890,000 and then we invested a million dollars into this renovation. Wow. This was my dream house though. It was a northwest contemporary, beautiful home. I hired an awesome architect, and it was amazing. We had kids at this point. This is where it got a little tricky though. We went for another big jump,
And this was beautiful properties, Bellevue, Washington acre lot. I wanted privacy. I wanted a big yard for my kids to play in, have kids over. But that was stretching us at the time. Again, my mortgage payment was $1,800 a month, and now I was buying this property that I had to fix up for nine months. And so what we did there to afford it, and this is the conversation I had with my wife, was like, Hey, we can do this, but we got to cut our monthly cost down. So we ended up moving in to my mom’s basement. Why we renovated this with a 2-year-old and a brand new baby.

How big of a basement was it?

It was like 900 square feet. So we were good, but it was rough. It was a tough time. But for us to get us to this next level house, we had to make some sacrifices. They ate up all of our cash that we had made from our previous two houses, and we had to still make that payment while we were renovating it. But once we were done renovating, it turned into a value of 3.25 million.

What you put in a million. So it was 1.8, 1.9 in.

Yes. And I ended up selling that house three years later for 3.25 million.

Okay, so if I’m keeping track so far, you started with, I forget exactly what it was in equity. It was like a hundred grand, and then you doubled it more than doubled it the second time around. And now this time you doubled it again.

Yes. So on those three houses, we were able to make 1.25 million tax free.

Tax free. That’s amazing.

And that’s why Grant Cardone is wrong.

Yeah, I love that. Yes. I mean, yeah, you got 1.2 million reasons why Grant Cardone is wrong there. It’s an unbelievable amount of money. Cool. So I mean at that point, I would probably relax, enjoy the amazing house that I was living in and all this money that I made. But it sounds like you kept going. So why were you just addicted at this point? You were just making so much money every time we did it.

Yeah, I kind of was because part of it was we would make this money, but also we were able to reinvest some of that money into hard money, which now pays us interest. And so when we sold that house, we ended up not buying another house for about 18 months because we had taken that $1.25 million and put it into hard money. It was paying us $12,000 a month in interest. Oh my God. Wow. And so you were just renting? We were just renting, living a good lifestyle, splitting our times in different states, and we were trying to figure out where we want to be. And so I ended up buying another house about 18 months later, and I traded down. It was at property in Bellevue. The reason I bought it was not the location I really wanted to be, but it had great views, could be renovated and the value could be increased. And so I ended up paying 1.7 for that property. I put in 700 into the renovation, and then we ended up selling that one for 3.7 million. Oh my God. And part of that was the pandemic pumped value up on that house. We were targeting the 500 grand. It just went up higher because of the pandemic like everybody else.

Well, that’s unbelievable. And I mean, it’s just another example of why the live and flip is so valuable over the 10 31. Yes, the timing that I talked about earlier, where you can take the money out and be opportunistic, which it sounds like you did again. But the other thing is you don’t have to reinvest a hundred percent of your profit. You traded down, so you’re able to take all that profit you made off the third one, still do this again and take some money off the table and invest it into another asset class. That’s unbelievable to be able to do that. And not only are you getting your primary residence, you’re diversifying at the same time. So I want to hear more about what you did next, James, but we do have to take a quick break. Before we go, I just wanted to say that if you need a financial planner who can help you get all the amazing tax benefits like James and I are talking about, we can help you find one on BiggerPockets, just go to biggerpockets.com/tax pros to get matched with a tax professional or financial planner in your area.
We’ll be right back. Welcome back to the BiggerPockets podcast here with James Danner to talk about how he live and flipped his way to enormous wealth as we are learning here. James is telling us an incredible story. When we left off, James, you had flipped a property in Bellevue during the pandemic. How much did you say you walked away from with that?

Over a million dollars on that house

In profit. So you had two in a row that were over a million dollars in profit though.

Yes. And part of that was we didn’t go for our dream house. We went for the best possible deal we could find.

But I imagine at that price point, you’re still in a nice house, right?

Yeah, it’s gray house. We ended up selling the one in Bellevue after we had taken the time off. The reason I liked that deal better, we didn’t go to the most expensive because we didn’t know what our dream home was yet. So I’m trying to build up more and more cash so we can go buy that dream home. And so the great thing about that property is we paid 1.7 for it. We had gained over 1.25 million in tax-free gain, not counting the other gain we had made. And so I was able to put 400 grand down, but I still had about $650,000 remaining, which was in hard money, which was paying me $6,500 a month. So now we bought this property, we renovated it, and my entire mortgage was being paid by my hard money.

That’s so cool.

And so that tax-free gain allowed me to reinvest and pay myself and reinvest into a property. I could create another $500,000 spread in.

So yeah, it’s not just paying the equity game, but it’s also giving you the cashflow to play your mortgage. So you’re basically living for free,

And that’s a hard spot to leave. For us as lifestyle as we grew, we decided we want to be somewhere a little bit sunnier and we ended up then buying into a Newport Beach property. But that one we ended up pulling the eject card on and just flipping it, but able to take all the money that we had made tax free and invest it into a very big flip. We were thinking about moving into it and then we were going to create the same equity gain, but instead we were able to afford this luxury flip that made us a crazy amount of money.

Tell us about this one. I know this one just happened, right? You just sold, this

One just happened, and again, this wasn’t the live-in flip, but the money that we made tax-free allowed us to buy this property. So we paid 5.6 million for this house in Newport Beach. We invested 1.2 million into it and we sold it for $8.5 million.

Wait, so you put 6.8 in and you sold it for 8.5?


So you cleared 1.7 and one.

There’s cost and money and sale costs on there. So it was 1.2 ish in there?

Yeah. Okay. Wow. Is that your biggest, I mean, it sounds like you’ve done that more than once, but that had to be one of your biggest flips, right?

Oh, that is the biggest flip I’d ever done by far

In one deal.

One deal. And we didn’t have to cash to buy something like that either, right?


That’s the thing. Just because you make more money tax free doesn’t mean you go spend it. We were really disciplined about rabbit hole that away, either keeping it hard money or reinvesting in another asset we could grow with construction. And that one in Newport Beach wasn’t a tax free sale. We never moved into it, but it gave us the money then to buy our next house, which was in Arizona, which is definitely my wife’s dream house. And I can tell you there’s no way I would ever be able to do this house if we didn’t go through these steps and create this equity and gain.

So that’s where you’re sitting right now. You were finally in your dream house right now, or at least your wife’s dream house?

Yes, we are finally in her dream house.

All right. Tell us about it. You just moved in, right? Not long ago.

Yeah, we moved in August, and so now I commute. I fly up to Seattle almost every week for work, and I come back and we live here and it’s in Arcadia, which is a neighborhood in Scottsdale. It’s a beautiful house. It’s 9,000 square feet on an acre, and now my kids are 10, 12. I can’t keep moving them. We have to root in, this will be the last time I do this until they’re out of high school.

That makes sense.

And I barely made it in the nick of time to get it there. We wanted them to be rooted in the elementary school, and so we weren’t chasing the best deal here, but I did still buy it below replacement costs.

But obviously you still got a good deal.

Yes, I can’t not do it, but we were able to move into this house the day we bought it, which we’ve never been able to do. And for everyone listening, I never thought I’d be buying a house like this. I bought a condo to try to buy a nicer house, and then I bought a nicer house, and then I traded for a nicer house. And this is the impact, and this is why I’m so passionate about this fulfilled dreams that we never thought we were going to get. And we paid 8.5 million for this house. We were able to put a large down payment down so we’re not over leveraged to where it still makes sense. And then over time, if we invest about, I would say seven, 800 grand into this property, there’s a recent sell that just sold for 13 million.


Oh my

God. Okay, so it’s still got a really good deal

Here. It is. Yes. It just needs a little bit of a facelift. And it might be more like a million over time, but now we’re not in a hurry either. There’s no two year clock. And so that’s the beautiful thing about this, that tax savings is a real thing. I mean, we went from a $9,000 down payment into a 3 million to $4 million down payment by just sacrificing and moving things around.

Unbelievable. It’s so cool. Like you said, I mean, I’m sure 20 years ago when you started doing this, you couldn’t imagine being in an $8 million home, but it’s the power of persistence in doing it and showing it. Real estate’s just a long game. You just keep doing it over a long enough time. Those gains are going to compound, especially if you don’t lose it to taxes, if you can compound more and more money, the math is just incredibly beneficial.

And Brandon, we didn’t need 9,000 square feet. That’s ridiculous. It is. But the reason we kind of went towards this one is it was my wife’s dream house, and that’s what I really always wanted to accomplish, but also it was the best value that I could find for this kind of house because the size and the price we paid, we were able to buy it below replacement costs. And so I could have bought a cheaper house that was a little bit smaller, but I would’ve been paying $300 more square foot. And so again, I still went with that mindset of I need to buy value. And anytime you buy value, that’s how you create value in your life.

Yeah, absolutely. Well said. And congratulations, man. This is super cool story. And I really think something that people can do. I’m learning, doing my first live and flip that this can be a real jumping off point for me. It is. I talked to my wife about it as well, this isn’t going to be our dream house, but it’s going to be a super nice place to live and we’re going to use it to catapult us into the next deal and maybe the next deal after that. And when you’re in real estate, I used to think I’d buy one house and never move, but it’s kind of fun when you are interested in real estate and construction and these kinds of things. I think it’s kind of enjoyable. Before we go James, though, I want to ask, do you have any tips for people who are not familiar with flipping but want to strike some balance between having a good place to live but also being able to generate a huge ROI like you have any thoughts or tips there?

The first one is the one that gets you going. And so be less picky and chase the best value because like you just said, it’s temporary. This is a two year commitment. Then also you have to find those contractors to bring out and work on your project. The puzzle is always solvable. That’s the one thing I’ve learned in real estate investing. No matter if the market goes up and down, you got to look at that puzzle, how do you solve it? And there’s always a way to profit, but you might have to look at a lot different than what everyone else is looking at.

Well, James, thanks so much for coming on and sharing your personal story. It’s great to hear all the success you’ve had and that you’ve finally landed in your dream house after 20 years of hard work and a lot of successful deals

Put in the work. Guys, hard work works,

Guys. This is why a and e gave him a TV show because he knows what he’s doing. So make sure to go check out Million Dollar Zombie Flips A and e comes out March 1st. Congrats on that as well.

Thanks, Dave.

All right, and thank you all so much for listening to this episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast. We’ll see you all soon.



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