Hunter L. Clark and Matthew Higgins China’s leader Xi Jinping recently laid out the goal of reaching the per capita…
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Natalia Emanuel, E. Jason Baron, Joseph J. Doyle Jr., and Peter Hull Childhood experiences have an enormous impact on children’s…
Michael Fleming In a 2022 post, we showed how liquidity conditions in the U.S. Treasury securities market had worsened as…
Doruk Cetemen, Gonzalo Cisternas, Aaron Kolb, and S. “Vish” Viswanathan Activist shareholders play a central role in modern corporations, influencing…
Gara Afonso, Gonzalo Cisternas, Brian Gowen, Jason Miu, and Joshua Younger The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) communicates the stance…
Thomas Klitgaard and Matthew Higgins Household saving soared in the United States and other high-income economies during the pandemic, as…
Mary Amiti, Cédric Duprez, Jozef Konings, and John Van Reenen Numerous studies have documented the rising dominance of large firms…
Richard Audoly, Martín Almuzara, Richard Crump, Davide Melcangi, and Roshie Xing With prices quickly going up after the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Martin Almuzara, Katie Baker, Hannah O’Keeffe, and Argia Sbordone “Nowcasts” of GDP growth are designed to track the economy in…
Marco Del Negro, Pranay Gundam, Donggyu Lee, Ramya Nallamotu, and Brian Pacula Editor’s note: We have updated the “date of…